Garden group

Maggies Garden Forum: Seasonal Chats: Garden group

By Linda Grigsby on Sunday, June 20, 2004 - 12:01 pm: Edit Post

Was just reading Maggie's comments about garden "clubs"......informal or otherwise. What a grand idea. Can anyone give me suggestions for starting one........organization, agendas, topics, etc. I have many gardening friends and I think they might really "go" for such a thing. It could be a monthly thing, or seasonal. I like the informal sharing idea but I envision it might include "show and tell".....speakers, garden book reviews, tours of local gardens and nurseries, plant swapping, recipes and samplings from garden fare. I'd love to hear from anyone who participates in such a group.

By Janice on Tuesday, June 22, 2004 - 3:22 pm: Edit Post

Dear Linda,
Any group of interested gardeners may form a garden club. We would like to invite you to become federated with Texas Garden Clubs, Inc. We represent more than 550 clubs and 13,000 members. Our parent organization is National Garden Clubs, Inc., the largest volunteer horticulture organization in the world with over 250,000 members in the Western Hemisphere.
Our state headquarters building is on the grounds of the beautiful Fort Worth Botanic Garden (to the south of the garden center). We invite you to visit; our summer hours are Tuesday-Friday, 8:30-4:00.
With a minimum of 10 members, a garden club may federate with TGC. The annual dues are $5.00 per member. A federated club receives tax exemption under our nonprofit status which is helpful in establishing a club bank account and later in fundraising and grants for large community projects.
Each member receives our quarterly state magazine and the club president receives the quarterly national magazine.
The advantages of belonging to a larger organization are: help in initial organizing, networking with like individuals, use of TGC hdqts with 1000s of books to borrow and 100s of videos to rent, advice from other members about community projects (youth, nursing homes, community landscaping), other members willing to give your club programs, etc.
Your club would be encouraged but not required to join the Garden Club Council of Fort Worth ($10.00 per club) and meet with presidents and members of other area clubs on 3rd Wednesday of month (Sept-April) at the FW Botanic Garden. Council maintains a Speaker's List and has a large Flower Show in April. Clubs may have sales tables at monthly meetings and/or the spring flower show. Master Gardeners also maintains a Speaker's List.
Please call the Texas Garden Clubs' business office at 817-332-6602 if you would like information on joining an existing garden club or start a new garden club.
Janice Croarkin, Office Manager, Texas Garden Clubs

By Barbara Finholt on Sunday, June 27, 2004 - 8:59 pm: Edit Post

And another resource...

For all gardeners who long for more insight about all phases of gardening, especially specific to your region of the country, I would like to recommend that you inquire to your County Extension Service about the "Master Gardener" training program. In Tarrant County where I live, the Horticultural training program is offered every year beginning in January. However,the enrollment process begins in late summer with a call to the Extension office to request an application. In Tarrant County, an orientation takes place before the selection of applicants is made, to provide a birds eye view of the program content and, most importantly, to inform applicants of the commitment required for entry and completion of the training.
In a nutshell, the program consists of 72 hrs. of classroom training and 72 hrs. of community service following the training. This is spent in varied opportunities of hands on gardening, education to the public, manning the office telephone etc. (This may vary from county to county.)
The training is research based provided by the County's horticultural extension agent in partnership with a state supported educational institution such as Texas A&M. Speaking personally, it was the most exciting and fun thing I have done in a long time! I still feel overwhelmed by the magnitude of information provided in the program but I'm a whole lot more knowledgable than I was before and now I know where to look for the answers to my questions - Besides pestering Maggie). The added bonus to the training, which I never factored into my initial interest, was the overwhelming support group that happens as a result of a mutual passion (read "obsession") and enthusiasm, not only with my own "03 class", but with the 300 other Master Gardeners who come together monthly for additional education, food, fun and fellowship.
I can't say enough about the benefits I realized from the program and would strongly encourage anyone with the appropriate time available, to apply for the training.
I will be happy to answer any questions about the program. Here is the website address for further inquiry.
The telephone number is 817-884-1944
The sponsor, Texas Agricultural Extension Service website is: Like Maggie's website, this is a wonderful conglomerate of information designed to assist in Texas gardening specifically and all aspects of gardening in general.
Barbara Finholt

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