Autumnal Fruits

Maggies Garden Forum: Seasonal Chats: Nearly autumn 2002 at Maggies: Autumnal Fruits

By Maggie on Sunday, November 03, 2002 - 9:26 pm: Edit Post

Turquoise berries on the Ampelopsis brevipedunculata.
Such a rare color for plants.
The easy name is Porcelain berry

By mamakane on Monday, November 04, 2002 - 10:36 am: Edit Post

Are they edible? They are sure pretty.

By Maggie on Monday, November 04, 2002 - 8:31 pm: Edit Post

Not for human consumption, but the birds sure do like them. Shame that it is the turquoise ones that are the ripest, so they don't hang around longer than the others. (weak pun intended) :)

By Maggie on Friday, November 22, 2002 - 12:07 am: Edit Post

Here's 'nother autumn fruit -
from a recent Plant This For... article - Strawberry bush (Euonymus americanus). The 'for...' was "for watching the seasons evolve"
Strawberry bush
also known affectionatly as Heart’s a Bustin’

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