Shrub Help

Maggies Garden Forum: Seasonal Chats: Almost Summer 2002: Shrub Help

By Andrea S Garrett on Tuesday, June 04, 2002 - 2:05 pm: Edit Post

Hey, we live in the middle of Alabama (zone 7) and have a yard with 3 charming dogs who have unfortunately *denuded* a spot of yard. It (the spot) gets about 4 hours of am/pm sun. We'd like something to border the walk way, stand up to the dogs and screen the bare earth from those walking in-so about 3 feet-4feet tall. What can ya'll suggest? Thanks so much for any help you can give me. Oh and if it matters the house is a bungalow style circa 1920. Sincerely, Andrea Garrett

By Maggie on Tuesday, June 04, 2002 - 10:36 pm: Edit Post

Hi Andrea, A carpet of pegged roses might be a solution. Some of the older varieties could manage with just the 4 hrs of sun. Or a prickly holly hedge could deter your furry invaders and keep some winter green. If the area is wide enough, you could even plant the hollies in a knot garden formation, to make it more interesting than the usual flat wall of green against a wall or fence. Creeping junipers or large cobbles could front the hollies to make a boundary between pedestrians and prickles. Or you could just fill the area with a solid carpet of creeping junipers. I adore the ‘20’s American bungalows. Hope these thoughts lead you to the Eureka solution. Let us know what you come up with.

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