Almost Summer 2002

Maggies Garden Forum: Seasonal Chats: Almost Summer 2002

By Maggie on Sunday, May 19, 2002 - 10:44 pm: Edit Post

James sent me this neat close up of a Portulaca.
porutlaca close up
This really appeals to me, because Larry and I often put things from the garden under a good microscope for closer appreciation.
So many times I have wished we could photograph the amazing sites to share them here. We have actually bought 2 diff kinds of cameras that are meant to capture images thru the m scopes lens, but he thinks they are too poor a quality to use. :( Apparantly, there is one that can do an excellent job of it - developed for pro science work, so you can imagine the price. Outta our range!

By mamakane on Tuesday, May 21, 2002 - 5:57 am: Edit Post

I've always found the close ups interesting too, both from a gardeners view and an artist view. I'm always thrilled when I get the occasional good picture with my regular digi camera.

Good picture James.

By Terry on Thursday, May 23, 2002 - 1:42 am: Edit Post

I would love to get that close, it would open up the world of insects. Mine is good down to about 4 inches, but only if there is something solid to focus on. That shot is good and the colours are excellent.

By Maggie on Thursday, May 23, 2002 - 10:59 pm: Edit Post

The color is so bright, it sorta makes my eyes hurt to look at it for too long!

By Maggie on Tuesday, May 28, 2002 - 1:23 am: Edit Post

Here is my fav floral close up James. The bits are big enough to enjoy without a microscope.
passion vine
and I love having a good view of the engineering of the Echinacea

By Maggie on Tuesday, May 28, 2002 - 1:25 am: Edit Post

Well, I didn't mean for the passion flower to come out so big. geeze

By BerryB on Thursday, May 30, 2002 - 5:28 am: Edit Post

The passion flower pic is amazing, Maggie. I have two new plants started from ripped out pieces from a friend's yard. They're just starting to reach for the fence and I can't wait for them to bloom. The fritillaries will soon follow. I'd like to post some pics of Ching Ching but I haven't figured out how to do this, can you advise? Thanks,

By Maggie on Thursday, May 30, 2002 - 9:06 pm: Edit Post

Be sure to contain the roots outside of a border, Berry, or the vine will smother all else. I grow that one in the lawn so that the suckers are nipped by the lawnmower. Even then, I have to dig out the most persistent suckers about once a year. I don’t mind. since I like to share them with others, as your kind friend did. It is one of the most popular plants in the garden. I’m glad to know you will have those awesome blooms too.

About the pic posting, there are directions on the navi board to the right, under ‘Documentation’, then ‘Getting Started’. But I think they are very confusing.
You need to make your pics into jpgs and shrink them to about the size of the Ech pic above (unlike my oversized passion flower :0)
Enter your message on the white ‘Add a Message’ box on the thread you want to post at, as usual, then type:
a backslash, directly followed by the word image
immediately followed by the title of your pic enclosed in curly brackets {the program won't let me type an example without trying to get me to post a pic}
Hit ‘post message’ button.
Proof your note and edit if needed.
Then hit Post again, then the ‘Browse’ button, which will open your files.
Click on the jpg to load it onto board.
Then hit 'post' again and if that doesn’t work,, I told you wrong... ack , and I will post them on the Garden Cats thread for you. (it is easier to do some things than to write how to do them!

By mamakane on Saturday, June 01, 2002 - 4:04 pm: Edit Post

That passion flower pic is amazing! All the close ups are great.

Summer is here! We went from freezing temps to mid summer temps here all in about 10 days time. And I have way to many spring time garden chores yet to do. You all have to remind me not to buy so much next spring! Too many dreams for the number of daylight hours in the garden :)

We had a wonderful visit from the grandkids. The chickens and the creek were the greatest attractions.

The sheep are waiting to be sheared - their pen has been rebuilt and we're just waiting for the man that shears to call us.

If I ever get caugt up, I'll get some pictures posted of grandkids, sheared sheep, and early summer gardens. Maggie, you'll have to tell me how you sqeeze everything into your day :)

By Maggie on Friday, June 28, 2002 - 10:29 pm: Edit Post

I don't know Mk, the days seems to whiz by whether I get everything done or not ;-)

Look at the strange thing Ernest Markham is doing this month.
Suddenly turns into a stripey on the top of the vine.

By mamakane on Sunday, June 30, 2002 - 4:08 pm: Edit Post

So pretty!

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