Winter has Arrived!

Maggies Garden Forum: Seasonal Chats: Winter has Arrived!

By mamakane on Tuesday, January 08, 2002 - 2:17 pm: Edit Post

It took longer than usual this year - but we have SNOW!

You know it gets harder and harder to take pictures of scenes that you have not seen before. This one is looking out my back window.

My favorite is always a view of the mountains.

The livestock all did well with the cold, snow, and wind. The turkey was a real picture ham today.

I'll try to get a web page together with the other snow pictures around the farm, that way this page won't take so long to load. As well as pictures of WV scenery, I've some pictures of life around the barnyard in the snow - not as pretty but they will show you a little of what winter is like on the farm. Carolyn will be able to relate to those pictures.

By Carolyn Crouch on Tuesday, January 08, 2002 - 9:32 pm: Edit Post

Love the pics, MK. Looking forward to the web page.

By Maggie on Wednesday, January 09, 2002 - 12:22 am: Edit Post

Beautiful! Esp, the sun lighting up those icicles. I didn't even know you had a tom turkey - love how his red white and blue colors show up so well in the pic. Your pics are as good as any I've seen on book store calendars. Now that's a thought!

There you are in snow and it was 75* in my garden today - not the norm for Jan, so its was quite a treat. The poor plants around here get so muddled up. Roses and day lilies already have new leaves that will get knocked down with next Arctic blast, poor things! My Dec pics will look like autumn ones, compared to most gardens.

By Terry on Thursday, January 10, 2002 - 7:16 am: Edit Post

Good grief, a full grown turkey and only days after Christmas, he must be the worlds champion at hide and seek (hide and go I believe the translation). Great photos MK....brrrr.

By mamakane on Thursday, January 10, 2002 - 9:34 am: Edit Post

Turkey Boy is so friendly with me that he has to be concidered a "pet" vs farm. He follows me around and shows his feathers wherever I go outside. Funny thing is - he does not like Ray, tries to spur him. I said it's because Ray has more beard than the turkey, and Turkey Boy is jealous. Then again, it could be because Ray talks gobbler talk to him, and I talk hen talk. (Honestly - Ray gobbles at him, and I turk turk at him)

We warmed up here quite a bit too. Last night's low was in the 40's. Today is still above freezing with rain showers expected. Water on top of ice - Should be fun.

By Carolyn Crouch on Thursday, January 10, 2002 - 10:34 pm: Edit Post

My condolences on the ice, MK. Be careful. Busted tail bones are not fun for humans.

By Maggie on Thursday, January 10, 2002 - 10:45 pm: Edit Post

MK - aren't ALL your animals pets? :)

Hey Caro - that's what its called - the turkey's 'beard', (as we were pondering today) Wonders never cease on this forum.

Oh, and MK, keep that coat buttoned too :)

By mamakane on Sunday, January 13, 2002 - 3:34 pm: Edit Post

Maggie, the turkey beard is a stiff group of feathers that grow on his chest. You can't see them in this picture. They get bigger as the tureky ages. My Boy's are about an inch long.

You're probably wondering what to call that piece that stretches and shrinks over his beak - I can't think of it either, unless it's a comb like in chickens. I'll have to ask Ray - he's great with the animal trivia.

By Carolyn Crouch on Monday, January 14, 2002 - 6:13 am: Edit Post

I think you are referring to the snood, MK. And Mags, that red organ hanging off the throat is the wattle. As MK said, the beard is a group of feathers that look like a horsehair paint brush that sticks out of the middle of the chest.

MK, I was telling Mags the other day about how the head and wattle turn ghostly white after certain activities :)

By mamakane on Wednesday, January 16, 2002 - 9:55 am: Edit Post

I thought Carolyn would know her turkeys :)

Here is the mini-web of the snow that I promised. You can access it directly with this link: Snow

Or you can bookmark this page for easy access to any of my mini-webs: mamakane I hope to add a flower mini-web soon while I'm dreaming over the new seed catalogs.

I started viewing Terry's bird site this morning. WOW! It's so interesting, and I have questions for you Terry. But I'll wait until I can view more pages - my questions might be answered.

I really need to catch up on viewing Maggies pages again too. They are always wonderful. Especially while I'm surrounded by all this cold and snow.

By Maggie on Wednesday, January 16, 2002 - 10:35 pm: Edit Post

Thank you MK, for sharing those beautiful shots of your home and babies. Gosh the farm is an absolute winter wonderland in the snow. Oh those deer - and that turkey is awsome!

Now about that turkey business above, I'm going to have to make notes on that, cause yer never when you might need to use the snood and wattle terms, huh? :)

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