Spring 2001 take 2

Maggies Garden Forum: Seasonal Chats: Spring 2001 take 2

By Terry on Friday, May 11, 2001 - 5:55 am: Edit Post

Last thread was getting a bit long so I took the liberty, Maggie.

Just had to come on and share my day. The weather is fantastic, at last we have teeshirt warmth. I am sitting here with grubby fingers eating a sandwich looking out on flowering cherries and crab(p) apples.

OK, that's it, I've decided, if you want to visit today would be fine. :)

This country really is at it's best in May with everything fresh and vibrant, well maybe I'm not so fresh, after all it is hot working out there. If you think I am getting a bit carried away remember it is about 8 months since we last had a really sunny warm day like this.

Oh, and the other good news is the path to our local woodland is open again, so may get to see the bluebells after all. :)

By Susan J on Friday, May 11, 2001 - 7:22 pm: Edit Post

Terry, That's great about your woodland path! We've finally had some nice weather here, too. I'm in the middle of a big project - moving several plants around in order to put our newest Japanese maple in the spot where another maple currently lives. Exhausting.

By Terry on Saturday, May 12, 2001 - 6:18 am: Edit Post

Hope your other maple survives it's move, Susan, mine did, and is showing no signs of any setback. Luckily they do seem to have a fairly compact root system. When you have a full garden it's a bit like those sliding square puzzles, keep moving them around until a space appears. :)

By Maggie on Saturday, May 12, 2001 - 6:17 pm: Edit Post

Hooray Terry and Sus - for your good garden weather and for Ter opening a new thread - never a liberty, always welcomed!
And double hooray for the lands being opened again and the possibility of you sharing another bluebell stroll with us this year. I'm windexing my screen right now, rubbing the pink off the daffs, in prep for a new wallpaper pic-ie!!

Funny you two are on about J maples again, as my story on the maple grower ran in the gar section today. There were some beaut shots in it and I will dig out some I took myself on the interview, real soon. Maybe Mapleman will join us here on the forum soon. :) I'm totally flipped even more now, over those gem trees and busy plotting what to rip out of which beds to make room for more.

And I too, hope your tree survives, Sus, and your back,,, do be careful. They really should grow these things will wheels on um. How about an ongoing picie progress report?!

Terry, you are torturing me with all that lovely May in England stuff. It looks like I'm missing another Chelsea Flower Show and another garden touring orgy over there again this year. :( Planning seems hopeless lately, maybe you have the right idea - I should just pick up a bag and go. Sides, stand-by would be nice and cheap too ;-) Threat threat

By Terry on Wednesday, May 30, 2001 - 5:47 am: Edit Post

A question...one of my small purchases at the Harrogate Show, I seem to have lost/forgotten the name and feel it may not be suited to the Alpine trough I've planted it in. Flowers are still coming but as you can see the foliage looks way off colour. Anyone able to help? I would hate to lose it. :( The flowers are only tiny.

Just a few more photos from my garden because at last I have a few spare ones. :)
Geranium Phaeum which seems to come in various shades.
Clematis Guernsey Cream in three stages of flower.
Mossy Saxifrage flowering it's heart out.

Only hope I can remember how to post. :)

By Maggie on Wednesday, May 30, 2001 - 4:57 pm: Edit Post

The top one looks a lot like a Gypsophila from here Terry. I've never managed to plant it with enough drainage in the past. Should try again sometime, now there are more areas with high drainage. If that's what you have there - it should love the trough.
As you can image, Alpines don't have a big following 'round these here parts ;-) So I esp enjoy seeing yours. It really appeals to my miniature bend.
Thank you for sharing your extra pics. Such a treat. Geraniumns are seldom found in nurseries around here - prob cause they only bloom in our 2 cool seasons at each end of the furnace months - love that purple one. I have a Bressingham Pink that I think is the most perfect shade of pink. Do they repeat bloom for you all thru your growing season?
I am in need a white clem - love that one and will consider trying it. I once had a gorgemissimo Duchess of Edingburgh - double white blooms to die for. That was before I found the clem utopia, so it died instead. :(
Beej had a white Henryi blooming a couple of wks ago - its bloom must have been 6" across. Knocked my socks off.

By Terry on Friday, June 01, 2001 - 6:31 am: Edit Post

I don't think it is a Gypsophila Maggie, but I can see why you would think that. The leaves have just shrivelled up as though from lack of water but the soil is moist. I am just hoping that it can set some seed before the flower stems dry up. It is still flowering, they seem unaffected by the loss of leaves.
The Geraniums vary from species to species, some only flower for a few weeks others from end of May through to the first frosts.
A house further along our road used to have a good white Clem. not sure which one though, but it was covered in large pure white blooms every June, I used to slow down as I drove past to get a good look at it.

By Maggie on Friday, June 01, 2001 - 10:19 pm: Edit Post

Terry, I am wondering if you are familiar with the book 'Cuttings from a Rock Garden', by Lincoln and Laura Foster, 1990, Atlantic Press, NY NY
The couple is oft credited with developing the interest in this country. It is a collection of essays, beautifully written with passion and chock full of Alpine info. Even tho I can't grow the tiny treasures, it is still a delightful read.

By Terry on Monday, June 04, 2001 - 10:20 am: Edit Post

No I haven't Maggie, I'll look out for that one. :)

By Terry on Friday, June 08, 2001 - 12:02 pm: Edit Post

Maggie, hello, where did all the others go,
was it me or was it you,
postings never were so few,
Each day I come to read,
of happenings in plant and weed.
We shared so much throughout the year,
and in that time became so near,
so let's not lose that friendship dear,
and post together for another year. :)
Come on guys and gals, I miss you all.

By Susan J on Friday, June 08, 2001 - 11:18 pm: Edit Post

So many weeds...So many new plants...So much to do in the garden.

I've been checking the Forum, but haven't posted anything. Too tired after a day of running from one spot to another.

Here's a photo of the blooms of our Italian arum. I caught it before the spathe fell over - that's what usually happens.

Italian arum

By Susan J on Friday, June 08, 2001 - 11:22 pm: Edit Post

Terry, Loved your verse! It prompted me to finally post something. :)

By Maggie on Saturday, June 09, 2001 - 6:18 am: Edit Post

Where did they go?
I don't know.
But even I have been so slow.
Slow to post and email ya know.

Texas was full of garden dos this year
Kept me hopping in full gear.
Now the heat is kicking in,
I'll be around more, I thin.

Terry - I just KNEW you'd be ditty able too!
Out done mine by far oxoxx :)

Susan Susan Susan That is a beaut! I missed shooting mine again this year, but their foliage is always so skimpy compared to yours! I once caught the berries, but always miss that fleeting bloom with the camera. Is that a ranunculus among it?
And is that a digi shot?!?!?

By Terry on Saturday, June 09, 2001 - 7:13 am: Edit Post

Must confess to never seeing mine in flower, but the foliage is always good. I always feel that Arum is one of the most undersold plants. Never ever seen it at the garden centres over here, had to send off for my original one which is still in the same place and thriving 15 years on.

By Terry on Saturday, June 09, 2001 - 7:15 am: Edit Post

ps Maggie I think "thin" would be classed as cheating....lol :)

By Susan J on Saturday, June 09, 2001 - 6:02 pm: Edit Post

Maggie, The other plant is a geranium. And no, it's the same camera. The picture I posted has more blue in it than the paper photo does. I scanned it on an overcast day, and it seemed just right...at the time. Guess I'd better adjust the color before putting it on my page.

By Maggie on Sunday, June 10, 2001 - 12:30 pm: Edit Post

The arum pic looks perfect to me Sus. I sure enjoyed visiting your garden site again today.

Terry - I didn't know there were rules :) so maybe we'd better sort some out. How's this - just as long as it rhymes, as well as get the message across ?

By Terry on Saturday, June 16, 2001 - 6:09 am: Edit Post

No rules Maggienot even to rhymes
that's why it's so easy most of the time"s"
:) :) :)

By Maggie on Wednesday, June 20, 2001 - 4:08 pm: Edit Post

Yep :)
an a lot more fun for it !

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