Gardening Mecca

Maggies Garden Forum: Gardener's Dreams: Gardening Mecca

By Maggie on Saturday, February 16, 2002 - 12:38 am: Edit Post

We gardeners are always complaining about what makes it *so* hard to garden in our own area. I often think how perfect this N Central TX climate would be if the summers weren't so x*#!* hot. (forget the lack of soil - at least that can be somewhat remedied ;-)

A gardening friend and I have often pondered if there really is a gardening Mecca with an ideal gardening climate. For me that translates to short mild winters with a few mild freezes, a lovely long autumn and spring and tolerable summer temperatures without long droughts.
Does such a place exist ???? or what kind of gardening climate do yous desire???

By Maggie on Saturday, February 16, 2002 - 11:17 pm: Edit Post

I am thinking about San Diego, but am allergic to fault line slides.

By David on Sunday, February 17, 2002 - 9:44 pm: Edit Post

After much thought on the question!!!!!!! I believe I would STAY here in Texas. The Winters are usually mild....The Summers make you appreciate the Winters. I can not think of any place else, that does not have some kind of problems. Key West Fl.(Hurricanes,) Brownsville, Tx. (Water)up North (Winters) down South(Summers)I guess I will stay right here, I think I have already said that once before!!

By Terry on Monday, February 18, 2002 - 5:49 am: Edit Post

Where did my message go? It was here when I posted it. Have I been censored? :)

By Maggie on Monday, February 18, 2002 - 8:55 am: Edit Post

OOOOOOoooo noooo, I never saw it. I hope no others went missing too. MK had one of her posts evaporate into the ether the other day too :-( I didn't do it I promise - not even on accident! My server has been doing some updating this week. They warned it would be in the early am hours to avoid any disrubtions. Guess us night owls and folks on Euro hours are the new minority. Pooh, Terry, please find the urge to re-post it oxxoxox

By Maggie on Monday, February 18, 2002 - 9:11 am: Edit Post

David, somehow I knew you would vote that way:)
but maybe I'll ask you again in August :)

By Maggie on Sunday, February 24, 2002 - 11:48 pm: Edit Post

Now I'm wondering about Santa Fe. Course the price of real estate and living expenses would be very discouraging !

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