Wish Lists

Maggies Garden Forum: Gardener's Dreams: Wish Lists

By Carolyn Crouch on Saturday, October 20, 2001 - 6:05 am: Edit Post

Hope you don't mind me starting a new thread. However, it is that time of year, when we start receiving the new nursery catalogs. I just got Jackson & Perkins online rose catalog, and look at this little lovely: Cabana Hybrid Tea

Last year, as you may recall, I told the few people who regularly give me Xmas presents that I wanted a particular rose from them. It worked out quite well. I got what I wanted instead of something I didn't really need, and all they had to do was point and click to order my present. I would highly recommend this, and in fact, have demanded that those on "my" gift list, tell me exactly what they want. I just love point and click shopping!!! :)

By Maggie on Saturday, October 20, 2001 - 11:17 pm: Edit Post

A woman who knows what she wants
Aren't they absolutely gorgisimo
There's some on there that make my mouth water!

By Carolyn Crouch on Wednesday, December 26, 2001 - 7:10 am: Edit Post

The 2002 issue of Nichols Garden Nursery catalog is out. This has been my fave wish book for years and years. If you are not on their mailing list, you can both order a catalog and peruse their online offerings at Nichols

By Maggie on Thursday, December 27, 2001 - 2:16 am: Edit Post

Thanks for posting that link Caro. You are tempting me - it is a very good company. Will you be starting some seeds in your new greenhouse soon? We’d love to hear about it.
The new David Austin book arrived last week. Hummm
Did you order any chrissy present roses from the J&P above, yet?

By Carolyn Crouch on Thursday, December 27, 2001 - 5:10 am: Edit Post

I'm seriously considering the tea plants from Nichols this year, since I would be able to put them on the glassed-in-porch/greenhouse/conservatory/atrium/whatever in the event of another grasshopper invasion.

My brother gave me David Austin's Ambridge Rose for Xmas, but it won't arrive for a few months.

What about you? Any ordering?

By Maggie on Friday, December 28, 2001 - 12:08 am: Edit Post

I gave Hunter a grow kit of the tea Camellia for chrissy pres and mentioned it in an article recently. I think you would really enjoy it.
Here's pic of an ornamental one blooming here this Nov
Camellia sansanqua
I haven't had the urge to order anything yet. Here's something on my want list that you might like to have a go at:
Mediterranean heath Erica x darleyensis
evergreen bush blooms tiny pink from late fall to spring

And here's one from an old wish list that proved itself worthy this year:
Tamarix hispida
The salt cedar (Tamarix hispida syn chinensis) bloomed all summer

By Carolyn Crouch on Friday, December 28, 2001 - 6:54 pm: Edit Post

Hmmm. Sounds interesting. Does the tea plant require overwintering indoors?

By Maggie on Friday, December 28, 2001 - 9:25 pm: Edit Post

It has the same cultural needs and winter hardiness as the ornamental camellias do. A mature one would be happy against a shaded to part shaded south wall and need a temporary covering if we had one of those rare Arctic blasts below 20F.
What great winter weather we’ve had these last three years. I am really dreading this Jan – my gardener bones are predicting some proper winter stuff. Altho, its hard to imagine it, since its been in the 60’s all this week!

By gail on Thursday, January 03, 2002 - 4:05 pm: Edit Post

Got a smile from these old posts since last night dipped below 20! Were ya'll scurrying around covering treasures?

By Maggie on Thursday, January 03, 2002 - 9:31 pm: Edit Post

Didn't bother - didn't have any younguns to worry about. Except this one's been covered for several weeks, just for fun.
handlight nast
The spring nasty's seeds germinated in the wet autumn. So I dug some up for the greenhouse and topped that spot with the handlight. Of course the greenhouse ones are doing miserably, but I couldn't resist trying it. Nasties really do hate being transplanted.

By Terry on Thursday, January 10, 2002 - 7:07 am: Edit Post

One way to keep the caterpillars off Maggie.

By marion on Sunday, May 26, 2002 - 8:48 am: Edit Post

i am looking for a bearded iris that is no longer found in catalogs, or at least not in the ones i have seen. it is a bright yellow with dark brown falls. has anyone any idea where i may find one? please e-mail me if you have any information because i have trouble finding my way back to message boards. i am not a computer person. thank you

By mamakane on Saturday, June 01, 2002 - 3:58 pm: Edit Post

Marion, I think I have some of the iris you are looking for. I got mine in a trade - my daylilies for iris. I'd be glad to trade some a little later this month. Right now I'm swamped with garden chores.

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